Sunday, February 25, 2007

Megalomaniac! The Sims 2!!!

I am hopelessly addicted. No rehab facility can fix this. I spend hours directing the lives of my Sims, building them mansions, finding them gorgeous furniture, giving them the benefit of my many years of decorating experience--and do they appreciate it?? No, they don't. They love to crash my computer when I get them some bit of furniture or wallpaper or shrubbery they don't like. Miserable little Simulatees. And when you think of all the Simoleons I spend for them--hmph! I must have spent 5 hours on the computer yesterday trying to find the download that kept this game from loading up. Frustrating as heck, but I'm ba-a-a-ck! (A little tip--to get rid of a Sim you can't stand--just build a nice swimming pool, direct the Sim to take a swim, then remove the ladder. He drowns and a headstone appears on his front lawn. No kidding.)

This coming week is school vacation in New Hampshire, the lovely state where I have lived for 37 years. (God, am I old or what?) My granddaughter Anna is going to spend a few days with me this week and we're planning to go down to Boston and "do the big city". There's a new bus service from Nashua to Boston that goes there and back every 90 minutes and costs onl $5.00 one way for the next month (then it goes up to $10.), so old Grammy doesn't have to drive and burn up gas ( and take her life in her hands in Boston traffic.) I think we'll start in the North End and see the old North Church, the Paul Revere House, any number of Italian bakeries (o dear God. . .) and then trundle over to Fanueil Hall and poke around all the shops. Anna is 15 this year, so there won't be many more years where she'll want to be hanging out with her old Grammy. I love her to death--we get along like a couple of old pals and never disagree. There's a huge difference between being a parent and being a grandparent.

I'm working tonight. Sigh. . . Well, it helps pay for treats like the above.

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