Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My darling Mac is deathly sick!!

No, Mac is not my sweetie--well, maybe. My darling Mac is my MacIntosh G5 dual processor computer. I love it to death because it's so easy to use and understand and it gives me access to the entire world out there. It began having screen freezes a few weeks ago that became a daily problem. Now it's in the shop (MacEdge in Nashua) having a brain scan at $90. an hour. Repeat after me: I will never, ever again buy expensive computer equipment without purchasing the repair/replacement insurance. Thank God everything is backed up. I did have enough sense to do that.

May has been a tres expensive month. Both my nursing licenses were up for renewal, my driver's license, my car registration and plates, car inspection, two grandchildren's birthdays. In addition, our VHS player/recorder bit the dust. Since you really can't find these machines for a reasonable price anymore, I ordered a DVD/VHS combo recorder/player. Hopefully it will arrive sometime this week so I can record my favorite 10 pm shows once again. Now the computer. . .

We had a wonderful, wonderful time with my Irish cousins who stayed with us for four days in early May. Joe and Mary Maloney and two of their daughters, Marion and Caroline, blessed us with their great company. We had a party for them on Friday, May 5, with lots of relatives and good friends in attendance. I haven't had a noise level that high in my house for many a long month. It was music to my ears. When I get the Mac back from the shop I'll do a separate entry on the fun we had and post a bunch of photos. I'm currently using my husband's God-only-knows-what-it-is computer with a Linux operating system. Shudder. . . I shouldn't complain. I could be dead in the water without my Mac.

Keep your fingers crossed that I don't have to pay for the Mac repair with one of my grandchildren! :-)

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