Sunday, March 11, 2012

Has it been FOUR YEARS??

Wow, just looked back at the blog and saw that it's been almost 4 years since I last entered a sentence! A lot has happened--Anna graduated from high school with honors, my daughter is once again my friend, I've taken up making and selling jewelry as a hobby, we have two more cats in addition to old Jake, AND I'm going to retire (well, sort of) as of April 28, 2012. I'm going to work one night a week, can you believe it?!?I received my "ticket to freedom"--my Medicare card--a couple of weeks ago. I met with the Director of Nursing to get her blessing and then with the scheduler to get everything lined up. One wave of the magic wand and I will be a free agent! There's a young male nurse who has been anxious to put in 40 hours on C Wing, so this was a serendipitous time for both of us.

Jack is still working at Sunrise Labs when they need him. That seems to be all the time these days. He says it's the best place he's ever worked and he is very happy there.

Christopher has gone through his second divorce and is living contentedly in Tampa. He's doing very well and I'm proud of him. Chris has taken up running and has run a number of marathons in the past few years. This coming year he will be doing his first Ironman.

The photos are of the kitties going off to the vet--they travel stacked up in carriers on a luggage dolly! There's Chris running in a triathalon in Tampa, Julie and Anna horsing around with mustaches, and Loki lounging on my bed. There's Chris' daughter, Ally, with the birthday cake she made for her Dad.

1 comment:

Don Newbury said...

It's about flippin' time you updated this thing Nurse Jackie! Although, I shouldn't talk. I haven't even looked at mine since last fall.